Today is exactly 21 days since immunization started: Here's how many people have been vaccinated

In Serbia, vaccination against coronavirus began on December 24, 2020

Photo: Tanjug/Strahina Acimovic

It has been exactly 21 days since vaccination against coronavirus started in Serbia, those who received the first dose are now receiving the second, and so far over 16,000 people in our country have received the vaccine, has learned.

In Serbia, vaccination against coronavirus began on December 24, 2020, with the American-German vaccine produced by Pfizer-Biontech.

The first to receive it was Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who got revaccinated today at the Torlak Institute for Virology, Vaccines and Serums. On the same day, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Professor Dr. Darija Kisic Tepavcevic and epidemiologist Predrag Kon received the vaccine.

Currently, two vaccines are available to Serbians. In addition to the Pfizer one, citizens can also get the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. The Chinese vaccine is expected to arrive soon.

The first of the three phases of immunization planned for this year against coronavirus is underway. During the first phase, healthcare workers, employees in social welfare institutions and residents there are being vaccinated.

Today, vaccination of all those who have expressed interest through the eUprava portal begins. Those older than 75 will be vaccinated first, and then those aged between 64 and 75 will be invited.

Since Monday, everyone who wants to get the vaccine can aplly through this portal, and as of today, a call center is active for the same purpose, whose number is 0800-222-334.

So far, more than 150,000 citizens have applied to receive the vaccine.

The vaccine is free for all citizens of Serbia. It can be taken by everyone aged 16 and over, and is administered in two doses. The second dose is given after 21 days, and immunity is acquired seven days later.

Video: Ana Brnabic was the first to receive the Pfizer vaccine against coronavirus
