Vucic post a video: To rise like a phoenix from the ashes and lay new foundations...
The video was posted on Instagram
"Let's unite in the fight against coronavirus. Let's rise like a phoenix from the ashes and lay new foundations..." are the words with which the video, posted on his Instagram profile by President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, begin.
The video is called "Surrender is not an option for Serbia" and the same message is in its description.
The video continues with the words, "Let's be supporting Serbia."
"In order to be strong, we in Serbia must be united. If we are united and if we are together, we, citizens of Serbia, we can do anything," it is said in the video.
After that, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic makes his address.
"We are fighting for the future of Serbia. We are fighting for our children. When we work and when we fight, no one can beat us," said Vucic.