Stevanovic: Huge number of cases, we distribute patients, some treat themselves at home, get worse

This morning, a meeting was held with directors of Covid hospitals

Photo: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

Minister of Health Zlatibor Loncar held a meeting with directors of Covid hospitals in the Palace of Serbia today, after which the director of the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia, Dr. Goran Stevanovic, said that the situation is still quite difficult.

"Some still don't see that we have a huge number of cases, that we have a huge number of positives, that hospital capacities are constantly being filled, that the number of people with severe clinical pictures and in intensive care is growing and growing. That is why today once again today, regardless of the fact that the hospital in Batajnica started working, the use of capacities must be even more rational and complete.

Therefore we will move all patients who are in hospital facilities and in the recovery phase to oxygen places, when they no longer need treatment with oxygen, to institutions where there is no central oxygen supply, in order to provide oxygen places for patients who have a severe clinical picture," said Dr. Stevanovic.

He pointed out that the number of examinations in all reception and triage centers and admissions is not decreasing.

"What is a worrying trend lately is that patients with a more serious and difficult clinical picture come to us who had spent a few days at home in the phase of self-treatment or insufficient treatment. We have all stressed several times and urged people since March not to treat this disease on their own, not to treat it at home, without consulting with doctors who work within the Covid system. I'm making that appeal once again, that is the only thing that can help us in addition to respecting to the measures," said the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Goran Stevanovic.

Djukic: A lot of pregnant women, children

Director of the Dr. Dragisa Misovic Clinical and Hospital Center (KBC), Professor Dr. Vladimir Djukic said that the capacity is overstretched.

"We currently have 360 ​​patients, of which almost 90 are in intensive care units. Our capacities for patients who require ventilator support are really high, but the patients are in extremely difficult condition. It requires great absorption of both staff and all other resources. We have 20 children, 20 mothers with them. There are a lot of pregnant women who require treatment from infectologists, pulmonologists, and of course gynecologists," said Djukic.

He said that the clinical pictures of patients are much more difficult than in the previous period, and that the hospital's capacities have never been more filled than now.

"The hospital in Batajnica has significantly relaxed the entire perception of capacity, but very soon even that will not be enough. It received 320 patients in two and a half days. Other parts of the healthcare system are overstretched. The situation requires not only seriousness, but a realistic view of a patient's condition. All those who require hospital treatment will be taken care of.

Others who are trying to take shortcuts to get to hospitals, and those who want theirs (loved ones) to stay in the hospital for a few days longer, must be aware that they are depriving someone else of a chance for quality and good treatment. That is why I appeal on everyone to trust the doctors who treat those people, that no one will be released a day earlier or a day later than the medical parameters allow," said Djukic.

As many as are discharged are admitted

The director of KBC Zvezdara, Petar Svorcan, pointed out that the same number of patients that get released, immediately get admitted.

"We have 405 hospitalized patients, of which 50 are in intensive care, of which 24 have been intubated. A difficult weekend is behind us. We received 116 from Friday until this morning. We discharged the same number. Yesterday, we received 45 patients and discharged 40. Those with a severe clinical picture dominate more than those who have a moderate one, and all patients who are admitted require oxygen support in therapy," said Svorcan and appealed on everyone to respect the measures.

When asked to compare the previous weekend with the one that just passed, Stevanovic said that the situation is the same, the only thing is that we now have the hospital in Batajnica.

"The number of patients who have a difficult clinical picture in increasing. We have fewer and fewer of those with a lighter clinical picture," said Stevanovic.
