Opening hours of stores and cafes shortened from today: Here's to whom it applies, who's exempted

Pharmacies, gas stations are exempted...

A sign reading, "Closed"; Photo: Shutterstock

Starting today, more precisely tonight, no business will be allowed to remain open between 9 pm and 5 am, except pharmacies, gas stations and food delivery services. This is one of the new coronavirus measures.

Namely, as stated in the decree of the Government of Serbia on suppression of coronavirus, which was passed at a recent session, opening hours of hospitality establishments, stores, shopping centers and other retail stores, theaters and cinemas, organizers of special and classic games of chance are limited to 5 am until 9 pm.

This effectively means that in addition to stores, cafes and shopping centers, night clubs are also affected, which gathered a large number of people in previous days despite the warnings coming from members of the Crisis HQ that they are the biggest hotbeds of infection.

For justified reasons, as in previous times when similar measures were in force, pharmacies, gas stations and food delivery services are exempted from this rule.

Video: Video: Djerlek talks about work of cafes: An appeal on people to respect measures

(Telegraf Biznis)