Djerlek: Covid situation is quite difficult, new black records await us. Raska is a new hotspot

As State Secretary Mirsad Djerlek explained, Raska is a new coronavirus hotspot due to the number of infected people in relation to the number of inhabitants, but the situation is stable so far

Photo: Tanjug/Rade Prelic

State Secretary in the Ministry of Health Dr. Mirsad Djerlek said that the epidemiological situation is quite difficult, and that black records will continue to be broken in the coming days.

He told RTS that there are currently 27 patients in the infectious diseases ward of the Novi Pazar hospital, of which seven come from Novi Pazar, three from Tutin and 17 from Raska.

According to him, Raska is a new hotspot due to the number of infected people in relation to the number of inhabitants. Still, he says, the situation is stable.

Djerlek said that a difficult night is behind us, but that healthcare workers managed to take care of all the patients who came in during the night.

"The epidemic is breaking black records day by day, we can expect that in the coming days," said the state secretary at the Ministry of Health, adding the example of the Institute of Rheumatology, which didn't have a single free bed mere hours after entering the Covid system.

The hospitals, he says, are rapidly filling up, and as of today, the Selters spa in Mladenovac and the Koviljasa spa are also in the Covid system.

He stressed that the state needs help from all citizens in order to endure until December 1, when the hospital in Batajnica will be opened with a capacity to receive about 1,000 patients, which will lessen the strain on the system.

Djerlek said that there is a lot of misinformation "which is extremely bad for the whole system" and added that only those who have been in the hospital understand what coronavirus is.

He appealed on citizens to respect the basic protection measures to make sure this this situation is overcome as soon as possible.

The state secretary in the Ministry of Health also said that an amendment to the law on the protection of the population from infectious diseases enabled for increased control of the implementation of the epidemiological measures.

The control so far has shown that "a solid number of people respect the epidemiological measures."

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