Djuric meets with Israeli ambassador: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is focus of conversation

The recently signed Washington agreement was also discussed at the meeting

Photo: Tanjug/Serbian government/Office for Kosovo and Metohija

The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is essential for the stabilization of political conditions in the region and economic development, but Serbia will neither implicitly nor explicitly recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo within the process of normalization of relations, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said today during his meeting with the newly appointed ambassador of Israel to Serbia, Yahel Vilan.

Djuric informed the ambassador about the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the political and security situation in the Serbian southern province, said a statement issued by the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

According to Djuric, the Brussels dialogue is currently a hostage to Pristina's unwillingness to implement the obligation undertaken seven and a half years ago to form the Community of Serb Municipalities.

Photo: Tanjug/Serbian government/Office for Kosovo and Metohija

The meeting also discussed the recently signed Washington agreement, the statement said, adding that Djuric expressed his expectation that in the coming period, Israel, in the spirit of the traditional friendship between our states and peoples, would continue to have sensibility towards and respect Serbian state and national interests.

"The Serbian people will continue to see the brotherly Jewish people as friends and a fellow-sufferer, and the two peoples will continue to fight together against historical revisionism and for the truth about our common sufferings," said Djuric.
