What Kim Kardashian's visit to Serbia was like: "She tried cheese and paprika, but didn't want whey"

The hosts from Uvac finally spoke about Kim Kardashian's mysterious visit to Serbia three years ago

Photo montage: instagram/kimkardashian; RINA

Three years ago the most famous starlet in the world, Kim Kardashian, visited Serbia, but only now, for the first time, we have the opportunity to hear about her impressions.

"She enjoyed the beauties of Uvac (Canyon), she visited the Pester Field, the katuns (mountain cottages), the spring of Djurdjevica, Lake Pester and the Trojan elevation," Sulejman Abdagic from the Tourist Organization of Sjenica has told the show "Exploziv."

Kim was delighted not only with beautiful nature, but also with the special dishes prepared for her by Slavka Nikolic, a hostess to numerous visitors.

"I served her pie baked under the sac (ceramic lid). We also prepared paprika with sour cream, cheese and our whey. She didn't want the whey, she drank Coca-Cola. She liked Uvac, and most of all the nature."

As Slavka says, everyone commented on her, especially the males.

"They said, 'Wow if she wanted I'd take her home now', 'extra woman'... I liked her, too, let alone you males. Kim is really beautiful, kind of busty, long hair, without make-up, but a really beautiful woman," Slavka points out.

Uvac Canyon; Photo: Tanjug/TOS

Kim was in Serbia with a Travel Channel crew from India, and the only unpleasant situation happened when a shepherd chased a cow aggressively.

"One shepherd charged at it and everyone got upset, I warned him that the cow is a sacred animal there (in India) and that we should not behave like that," said Abdagic.

"Kim didn't want a lot of publicity when she came and wanted only to film the report, but also to rest and leave here quietly," he concluded.
