How hospital in Croatia lost 25 medical workers in one evening: It started with a traffic accident

Medical workers will have to spend the next 14 days in self-isolation

Photo: Shutterstock

The general hospital in Varazdin was left without 25 medical workers almost overnight, Croatian media are reporting.

According to Jutarnji List, among the medical workers who are in self-isolation are two neurosurgeons, four anesthesiologists and two surgeons and 17 nurses, technicians and support staff.

The incident occurred on August 22, when the hospital had to urgently care for a young man who was injured in a traffic accident. He had crashed into a tree while speeding on his moped.

"The nature of the injuries required urgent head surgery. Subsequent testing determined that the patient was positive for coronavirus," said Dr. Nenad Kudelic, a neurosurgeon who operated on the young man.

The patients is now stable and not in danger of dying.

Since he operated on the young man, Dr. Kudelic is also among those who will be in self-isolation for the next 14 days. In addition to his job as a neurosurgeon, Kudelic also performs the duty of the director of the Varazdin General Hospital, this job he will be doing from home.

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