After a series of drownings, Ministry of Interior appeals: Do not use unregulated bathing spots

From April 30 until today, members of the Gendarmerie Diving Unit have been deployed in searching for and retrieving the bodies of 17 victims of drowning

Photo: Shutterstock

After a series tragic drownings in rivers and lakes in Serbia in the previous days, the Ministry of Internal Affairs appealed on citizens not to use unregulated bathing spots, not to enter the water under the influence of alcohol and unprepared relative to the air temperature during this bathing season on rivers and lakes.

Given that a large number of citizens goes to rivers and lakes due to high temperatures, it is very important to pay attention to safety measures, as well as that children do not go into the water without parental supervision.

Respecting these rules of conduct is one of the key factors in preventing tragic outcomes.

From April 30 until today, members of the Gendarmerie Diving Unit have been deployed in searching for and retrieving the bodies of 17 victims of drowning.

Yesterday, two little brothers, aged 5 and 7, drowned in Lake Ocaga near Lazarevac. Doctors were trying to resuscitate them for almost two hours, but unfortunately their lives could not be saved.

Lake Ocaga; Photo: Wikimedia/Dungodung

Also on Sunday, V.A. (37) drowned in the Danube near Kostolac on the well known Topoljar beach. According to eyewitnesses, the man was not a swimmer, and all attempts to save him were in vain.

Topoljar beach, Printscreen: Youtube/TVViminacium

This black series continued with the news that the body of Bosko M. (45) was found near Kladovo early this morning. He also drowned when he went into the Danube for a swim.

Bosko M.; Photo: Facebook/Bosko M.

Eyewitnesses said that they found his belongings on a beach and that the man was a good swimmer. Bosko's body was found by fishermen.

Video: Divers pull out body of young man out of Lake Zlatar
