Actors to be tested for coronavirus before close scenes; cinemas to reopen on Monday

The maximum number of visitors at cultural events will be 500 people

Photo: Pixabay/Vladvictoria

At today's session, members of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus made the decision to reopen cinemas and theaters, as well as allow smaller scale music events, so that, for example, the Kolarac venue will reopen. They will all open their doors on Monday, respecting protective measures, and, as we found out, theater actors will have to be tested.

Professor Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic, an epidemiologist, a member of the Crisis HQ for the fight against coronavirus, has told that in cinemas and theaters, visitors will occupy every other seat.

"The organizer must make sure that wearing of masks, distancing and disinfection are respected. Theaters must function. The number of visitors will depend on the size of the room, but it is very important that there are no more than 500 people. Also, theater workers and technicians must wear masks, except for the people on the stage," says Dr. Tiodorovic.

According to him, actors will have to keep their distance, and in cases where it is necessary and where they come in closer contact with each other, they will also have to be tested.

"Everyone must be healthy. They will take PCR tests once a week," says our interlocutor.

He added that smaller musical events will also be allowed:

"For example, Kolarac can start working, but under the obligation to respect all measures."

As stated earlier today by acting Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Health of Serbia  Batut",Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, the same measures will apply during cultural events as in enclosed spaces. It is mandatory to wear masks and keep a distance of 1.5 meters.

"We must respect all preventive measures that reduce the risk of infection to a minimum, so it is necessary to reduce the number of tickets sold and keep physical distance between visitors to cultural events," said Kisic Tepavcevic.
