Details of hunter's death: Man fires, then hears cries. Finds his school friend bloodied in bushes

According to unofficial information, the hunter was hit with 11 shotgun pellets, which tore apart his femoral artery

Photo illustration: Shutterstock, Telegraf/D. Kocic

M.C., a hunter, has been detained by the police for up to 48 hours on the order of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Nis on suspicion that he on Sunday, at around 11 am, during a hunt in the area of ​​the village of Kaletinac near Gadzin Han, fired a shot from a hunting rifle that killed another hunter, 53-year-old P.M.

The two of them went to hunt wild boar with two groups of hunters in the area of ​​the village of Kaletinac. They were in different groups. Once they got there, they saw traces of wild boars, the dogs barked as they do when they notice game, and then the hunters deployed in the forest and ambush the animals, has learned at the scene.

He heard something rustling and fired twice?

Due to the density of the forest, they did not see each other, and were at a distance of 20 to 30 meters, some even farther apart. As we have found out, the perpetrator heard something rustling in the bushes and fired. According to unofficial information, he fired twice.

"After firing twice, he heard someone cry and call for help. The hunter was terrified, ran into the forest and, following the wailing, came to the spot and saw the other, wounded hunter. To make matters worse, he recognized in him as a school friend with whom he grew up. He immediately alerted the other hunters, they ran up, bandaged the wound on the man's right thigh from which he was bleeding profusely. They called an ambulance and went towards Donji Dusnik, and the ambulance arrived to meet them, taking P.M over. However, he was bleeding along the way, so he was dead on arrival at the Donji Dusnik healthcare station," has been told.

We found his wife and his relatives in his house. They are stunned by the tragedy and said very briefly:

"He was a hunter for 30 years, and he was killed in a hunt. The only thing we can say is that he was shot twice, not once as others say. We have been left without a father, a husband."

The locals in Dusik say that he was very good, and his neighbor Radojica Stankovic explains that the deceased lived in Nis in recent years because his children were going to school there, and that he also worked at the Veterinary Institute there.

"He only came here on weekends to hunt, he would bring chickens or chicken feed to people from the Veterinary Institute. He was very hardworking, he was buying raspberries and blackberries (from farmers), he tried to provide all the best for his family. I also know the man who fired, I know they went to school together. As far as I know, he first worked in the Elit factory, and now he is doing something at the school. This is the third hunting death in this area in the last 10 years. Recently, a retired policeman was killed, who shot himself while returning from a hunt in Duga Poljana, and also, in the village of Krastavce, a hunter was killed a few years ago in the same way as the one who was killed yesterday," says Radojica.

According to unofficial information, the hunter was hit with 11 shotgun pellets, which tore apart his femoral artery.

Video: Hunter survives close encounter with bear

