Do you remember Barbara? She would turn 19 today: "Sorry we did nothing for you"
Barbara has been missing since 2016
"Do you remember this girl? She disappeared on November 25, 2016, and to this day we know nothing about her fate. Tomorrow Barbara Vitez will turn 19. Happy birthday to you and I'm sorry we did nothing for you and your family." With these moving words, Igor Juric reminded us last night reminded about one of the most tragic events to take place on the Tisa River, in fact, an event for which it remains unknown whether it was a tragedy or just a drama that is still waiting for a happy epilogue.
But what it's like when that what little hope that glows in the heart becomes living hell is known only by Barbara's unfortunate parents. The disappearance of the girl from Senta is shrouded in a veil of mystery, while the real truth has been cruelly hidden by the waves of this murky river for more than three and a half years. Because, the Tisa, that muddy and calm, but dangerous river, is the only witness to the events that happened on a bridge that connects Banat and Backa regions.
The parents believe that Barbara is still alive. They believe that today she is really turning 19 and that one day she will call them - from Hungary, Romania, Novi Sad...
Sećate li se ove devojke ? Nestala je 25.11.2016. a do dana današnjeg o njenoj sudbini ne znamo ništa . Sutra će...Posted by Igor Jurić on Среда, 12. август 2020.
Will the river release Barbara's body and completely break the heart of her mother Melinda and father Endre?
Because, officially, Barbara fell off the bridge. But there is no striking clue or evidence, other than statements from her peers.
The alleged fall into the river occurred on November 25, 2016, around 10 pm. Barbara was returning with her friends from a birthday party, and playing around climbed the pillar of the bridge and fell into the river.
The investigation accepts this version of events - Barbara slipped on the bridge, fell into the water and thus ended her life. But the divers' attempts to find her in the mud of the river's bottom have been in vain. It would not be the first time that the Tisa is hiding her victims for a long time, but a body still has to appear, sooner or later.
And Barbara's parents are still waiting for her.
Over time, alarms began to sound off in places that are far from the boundary between Banat and Backa - people called and said that they had allegedly seen Barbara in Greece, Hungary, Romania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Albania... Even photographs appeared.
Meanwhile, her family suffered another severe blow. Barbara's parents also lost their son Atila (25), who died from the flu.
The hope that Barbara is alive still exists, but despair and the feeling of powerlessness to help her is heart-breaking, painful, and a warning.