Child sick with coronavirus attempted suicide by swallowing acid: Horror in Sarajevo

Four children are hospitalized in Sarajevo, one of whom has Kawasaki syndrome

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One of the four children receiving treatment for coronavirus in a hospital in Sarajevo had tried to commit suicide.

The clinic announced that four coronavirus-positive children are currently hospitalized in the isolation ward of the Pediatric Clinic of the Medical Center of the University in Sarajevo.

Two hospitalized children have bilateral pneumonia, while one child also has Kawasaki syndrome, Radio Sarajevo reports, citing to Hayat.

The fourth is a child who tried to commit suicide by swallowing acid is also sick with COVID-19.

A child psychiatrist is involved in the treatment of the child.

The health condition of these children is currently better than at the time of their hospitalization.

According to information this morning, 71 patients who tested positive for coronavirus have been put in the isolation ward in Podhrastovi in ​​Sarajevo, seven of whom are in intensive care.

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