Doctor Kon: Belgrade is biggest risk, death of mother and newborn a warning. No one is being spared
As Doctor Kon says, we used to call coronavirus the Milan virus, or the Italian virus, and now in Italy they call it the Serbian virus
"We have started to stabilize, but we are still in very bad epidemiological shape. Belgrade is absolutely the biggest risk. This virus is destroying the economy, killing people, causing depression," Doctor Predrag Kon has told TV Prva.
"It will take us four weeks to bring this down, there is no magic wand, we must do it exclusively by strictly respecting the measures. When the virus has nowhere to go, it loses strength," Kon explained.
This member of the Crisis HQ commented on a tragedy that occured in Nis, where a woman and her newborn child died.
"This is a tragedy that causes sadness and is heartbreaking, but also represents a warns Pregnant women are not spared either, no population group is spared. We have a serious warning to think about. We have three (infected) pregnant women, one of whom ended tragically."
As he said, "now a much larger number of young people are infected than before."
"Overall, the virus is not showing big changes so that we could claim that it has mutated. We used to call it the virus from Milan, the Swiss virus, now in Italy it's called the Serbian virus. However, this has not been proven. A great potential for transmission during the summer has been established. Neither UV radiation nor high temperatures helped in places such as celebrations, partying, singing, loud music, louder speech. This is where aerosol forms and ease of transfer occurs. Supertransmitters also appear there, they are those people who communicate with many others, they have the opportunity to transfer to a large number of people," said Doctor Kon.
As he said, there are also cases of reinfection.
"There are cases of patients who were positive, got cured, and are again positive with a new clinical picture. That is also important vaccination-wise, there is a lot that is not sufficiently known about this virus."
According to him, the virus is all around us.
"We cannot claim that any person has not been in contact with someone who is infected. That is why it's important to wear a mask. We need to protect each other, even if there are infections that have nothing to do with coronavirus. I know this is a time when no one feels like wearing a mask, but the benefit is too great to be avoiding it."