Fist on heart, sense of pride in Moscow: Vucic salutes Serbian soldiers marching in Red Square

15,000 soldiers marched in Red Square, including parade units from Serbia, Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, India

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic saluted members of the Serbian Army Guard who are participating in the military parade in Moscow by symbolically thumping his chest with his fist, as they were marching in Red Square.

At the moment the Guards passed by him, he stood up, put his hand on his heart and saluted our flag and members of the Serbian Army.

At the head of the Guard echelon at the Victory Day parade in Moscow was the commander of the Guard Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Dragan Jakovljevic.

15,000 soldiers are marching in Red Square, including parade units from Serbia, Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, India...

A record number of units and military equipment is on display - 234 units, 80 planes and helicopters.

