"Serbia is small to command the White House, but big enough to say what its interests are"

The president of Serbia said that he does not know what the topic of the meeting in the US, which has been announced for June 27, would be, but that he would look to help the Serbian people and preserve the interests of Serbia

Photo: Printscreen/Youtube/Tanjug

The president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said that he did not know what the topic would be and what delegation was going to the meeting in Washington. He stressed that he does not expect spectacular things and that Serbia is small to command the White House, but also big enough to say what its interests are.

Regarding the claims that he will recognize the independence of Kosovo on Vidovdan (June 28), he said that date is close and that he is proud of the fact that he is interested in how he can help the Serbian people and preserve the interests of Serbia.

"I am proud of the fact that Serbia is a respected state today."

Kosovo issue

"There is some hysteria among Albanians, I am proud that we are peaceful. There are five conditions that Avdulah Hoti spoke about today and all five are unacceptable to us. If that's all that either he or Thaci would talk about, they better not go anywhere. If they think that they can harm Serbia with these blackmails and threats, they are very much mistaken," said Vucic.


As he pointed out, the policy that he pursues is for the sake of pride and well-being of Serbia.

"Serbia is on the European path, and China is a friend of Serbia, and I am not afraid to say that either in front of the Europeans or in front of the Chinese ambassador," Vucic underlined.

"As far as the elections are concerned and who chooses what, the people go to the polls and it's important to me that our polling committees wear masks. People who come to the polls stay for a very short time and cannot transmit any infection. It is an essential political matter, it is important for the people to put a stamp on the previous four years and say whether they are satisfied with the results. If I were to choose political opponents, I would choose those who think they are the toughest for me," the president said, commenting on the claims that he would be choosing his opposition in Sunday's parliamentary elections.
