Starting today Serbians can enter Greece through North Macedonia: One border crossing reopened
Everyone traveling to Greece via North Macedonia will have to respect the five-hour rule

Starting today citizens of Serbia will be able to travel to Greece through North Macedonia without being tested for Covid-19.
Greece is today opening its borders to 29 countries, including Serbia, while the government of the Republic of North Macedonia has decided to enable unobstructed transit of all foreign citizens through its territory, under the condition that they spend no more than five hours in that country, said a spokesman for the North Macedonia government, Muamet Hoxha.
The government decided that foreigners in transit through North Macedonia will be able to use the crossings of Tabanovce, Deve Bair, Bogorodica, Kjafasan, Blace, and the Skopje airport, until a full liberalization of the regime of entry and exit from the country.
The government added in a statement that transit implies entry at one border crossing and exit at another, with the obligation not to leave a highway or a local road, and to make the transit last a maximum of five hours.
Foreign nationals will travel through the country with a certificate that they will have to fill out when entering the North Macedonia territory and hand back to the border police when leaving.
This means that citizens of Serbia will also be able to travel to Greece through North Macedonia, without being tested for coronavirus.
Greece announced on May 29 that it will open its borders to 29 EU member-states and other countries starting on June 15.