Sudden jump of coronavirus infections in Serbia: 96 new cases, 1 person dies, 12 on ventilators
The latest data regarding the epidemiological situation in the country
A graph showing the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Serbia since March 6 until June 5; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic
A total of 11,667 confirmed cases of COVID 19 have been registered in the Republic of Serbia by 3 pm on June 5, 2020. Since the last report, samples were taken from 4,795 persons, 96 of which came back positive.
Curfew reintroduced as North Macedonia reports record number of coronavirus infections
Lowest number of coronavirus cases in Serbia yet: 18 new infections, one more person dies
390 people are hospitalized, while there are currently 12 patients on ventilators.
A graph showing the coronavirus death toll in Serbia from March 20 until June 5; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic
Unfortunately, one more person died as a result of coronavirus.
Video: New patients dont have symptoms, the epidemiological situation is calming down