No registered tourists in Montenegro in April; in March, majority came from Serbia

No tourist arrivals were recorded in Montenegro in April


According to data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Montenegro, in April 2020, the number of registered persons in collective accommodation facilities was 103, reports.

No new arrival of tourists was recorded in Montenegro in April. Monstat data also showed the same.

"Due to the temporary measures to prevent the introduction into the country, suppress and prevent of transmission of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), which refers to the ban on providing services in hotels, except for registered guests, there were no arrivals of tourists in April 2020. According to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Montenegro, in April 2020, the number of registered persons in collective accommodation facilities was 103," Monstat announced.

In March, 18,930 tourists stayed in collective accommodation in Montenegro, which was 66.3 percent less than in the same period last year.

According to Monstat data, the number of overnight stays was 39,730, and out of the total number in collective accommodation - 70.7 percent were realized by foreign tourists, and 29.3 percent by domestic ones.

In March, the largest number of overnight stays was realized by tourists from Serbia - 10.7 percent, followed those from Russia, 9.1 percent, Germany, 8.7 percent, Albania, 4.7 percent, Great Britain, 3.9 percent, France, 3.6 percent, Sweden, 3 percent, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2.7 percent, Belgium and Denmark 2.2 percent each, as well as Croatia, 2.1 percent.

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