In saddest Facebook post, Ljubisa from Paracin announces he lost his entire family to coronavirus
Within a month, Ljubisa Rakic from Paracin lost his father, mother, and sister
Coronavirus has taken the life of Ljiljana Rakic (47) from the settlement of Jagodnjak in Paracin - she is the third victim of this disease from one family. Only her brother Ljubisa (43), who lost his both parents before his sister died, has survived.
He made the saddest post on Facebook yesterday.
"My sister is also gone, now I am a real orphan," he wrote.
His sister, Ljiljana passed away in the KBC Zemun hosptial, where doctors fought to save her life.
Everyone had hoped that she would win the battle against coronavirus, because she was recently taken off the ventilator, but, as reports, things got complicated over the last two days. Ljljana died in the hospital in Belgrade, a day after her condition worsened, when she was again connected to a ventilator.
Ljubisa's father, who who was undergoing dialysis in the Cuprija hospital, passed away almost four weeks ago, and a few days afterwards, his mother died too.
Their son Ljubida had to be placed in home isolation, while his sister was in a serious condition at the Zemun Clinical Hospital. Now, unfortunately, she has also passed away.
The newsroom staff of expresses it deepest condolences to Ljubisa.
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