What measures are lifted in Serbia on Thursday - what remain in force after the state of emergency?

Doctors say it's important to apply basic precautions

Photo: Tanjug/Dragan Kujundzic

The abolition of a state of emergency does not mean that we will return to routine life as it had been before March 15, as some of the measures that have been put in place to reduce the possibility of the spread of coronavirus remain in effect.

Getting around

Curfew and ban on (outdoor) movement for those over 65 is abolished. They will be able to take a walk out whenever they want, but by no means in a group, and for them the recommendation is to continue to spend as much time as possible in their own home.

Cinemas and theaters will not start reopening until May 31.


There will be no classes in schools, only in daycare centers to help parents who have to go work.

University faculties will open their doors for students only in late May or early June, but only for those who need to take exams or take lab exercises.

Gatherings and celebrations

Outdoors, a maximum of 20 people will be allowed to gather, and there will be no sporting events with an audience present.

Celebrations like weddings, christenings, and birthdays will only before allowed at the end of May or beginning of June 15.

Transportation, restaurants, cafes

Public transport in most cities has restarted operating - but only buses and passengers who have a monthly bus (Bus Plus) ticket for employees, or a periodic ticket - those who need to be certified by the company that employs them that they need to get to work in this wa.

In the second phase, when (University) faculties begin their work, students, later pupils, will be allowed to use city buses, and eventually, in the fourth phase, those older than 65.

In public transport, but also in restaurants and cafes, gloves and masks will still need to be worn, as well as maintaining a social distancing of two meters and avoiding physical contact - such as shaking hands and hugging.

Doctors say it's important to apply basic protection measures to reduce the possibility of infection with coronavirus - such as hand washing anddisinfection of work surfaces.

Video: 0 infected, 0 dead, 0 cured: Knic remains one of two municipalities to beat coronavirus in Serbia

