Incredible scenes in Nis and Leskovac: Cafes overcrowded, measures go unobserved, road parties held
Until recently, Nis was a hotspot of coronavirus, while Leskovac almost became one
The picture you are looking at was made in the center of the town of Nis, in one of the few cafes that reopened after the easing of the anti-coronavirus epidemic measures in Serbia, Jugmedia reports. Isolation has done its part, we have been forced to give up on many established habits that are not of vital importance, but if we continue to be negligent, they could cost us lives.
Walking through the city streets without masks and gloves suddenly became a normal occurrence, just a day after the measures were loosened, and the ugly side of our "it will all work out" and "it can't happen to me" mentality came to light once again.
A similar situation was observed in Leskovac. The usual May Day gatherings may not have taken place - but this video was made yesterday afternoon in Leskovac at the so-called bypass, not far from the settlement of Dubocica.
About 40 Leskovac residents, mostly younger people, without masks and gloves, as the witnesses who made this video say, have been gathering at this "secret location" for days now half an hour before the start of the curfew.
Parked cars and motorcycles, parties without any control while a state of emergency is still in force, and while anti-coronavirus measures are being lifted very cautiously as epidemiologists are constantly warning we will still need to be careful and maintain social distancing.
Even outside the curfew, the streets of Leskovac were full of people today, walking in groups, without masks, shoulder to shoulder. Mostly of them are young, and don't wear gloves.