Five more coronavirus deaths: Death toll reaches 173 in Serbia

The latest information was released during a press conference at 3 pm on Wednesday

A graph showing the coronavirus death toll in Serbia from March 20 until April 29; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic

In Serbia, according to the latest data reported at today's press conference, five more persons have died of coronavirus, a total of 173. Three were male and two female.

From the last report until today at 3 pm, 5,579 people have been tested, 227 of which came back positive for the presence of coronavirus.

The total number of people tested in Serbia so far is 78,942 people. The total number of those infected so far is 8,724.

There are 78 patients on ventilators. The total number of hospitalized persons is 2,470, and the number of cured patients is 1,292.

Please, for the sake of your health and that of your loved ones, pay attention to these instructions for behavior inside and outside the home during the pandemic:

You can track information about coronavirus from all over the world on this page (in Serbian):

Video: Situation on April 29: Five more deaths, 227 newly infected

