If we do this, there is almost no possibility of catching coronavirus in public transport

Are you also afraid of getting on a bus with strangers?

Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic; Photo: Shutterstock

With city transport expected to be restored soon, many are worried about what a bus ride will look like at peak traffic.

However, a few days ago, Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic revealed that new rules of behavior will apply - drivers will be isolated, there will be no ticket sales on the bus, passengers will enter by one door, exit by another, everyone will have to wear masks, while conductors will be present to control the flow of passengers on a bus.

How to protect yourself in public transport?

Everyone who works and who uses public transport twice a day spends at least one hour in a small space with other people.

What will be necessary is to ventilate the interior of the vehicle as often as possible.

The following measures must be taken in public transport to prevent the virus from spreading:

- If you do not have gloves, do not grasp the handle with your bare hand but by using your sleeve.

- Immediately after leaving the transport, wash your hands with a disinfectant or spray them with alcohol.

- Make sure you wear a mask and glasses.

- As soon as you get to work or home, once again wash your hands well with soap and water, regardless of having used the disinfectant.

- When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or sleeve, not with the palm of your hand!

- Throw away the used handkerchief immediately (if in transit, put it in your pocket) and disinfect your hands.

- Avoid close contact with a person who look unwell, even if you have to get off the bus and wait for the next one

- Do not touch your face in any way.

If you respect all these measures, the risk of infection with the virus is almost nonexistent.

Video: When will city and intercity traffic restart?
