5 more people die from coronavirus in Serbia; 139 victims in total
Four more men and one woman lose their battle
A graph showing the coronavirus death toll in Serbia from March 20 until April 23; Illustration: Nikola Jovanovic
Over the past 24 hours in Serbia there have been five more deaths due to coronavirus.
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Four men and one woman have died in this period of time.
The total death toll is now 139 people, and the death rate is 1.91 percent.
To date, there have been a total of 7,276 confirmed coronavirus cases in Serbia, while the number of those tested over the last 24 hours is 2,688.
The number of newly confirmed cases is 162, while the total number of hospitalized patients is 3,477.
To date, 1,063 people have been cured of Covid-19.
You can track information about coronavirus from all over the world on this page (in Serbian): https://www.telegraf.rs/covid-19