"Worst is over. Worst is yet to come": Momo Kapor's daughter on the many coronavirus contradictions

Ana points out the conflicting information and advice that comes to us from various media platforms, so it makes sense to ask yourself - what to believe and what to adhere to?

Ana Kapor/Photo: Facebook/Ana Kapor

Painter Ana Kapor, the daughter of renowned late Serbian author and painter Momo Kapor, published a post on Facebook regarding the current coronavirus pandemic.

Ana points out the conflicting information and advice that comes to us from various media platforms, so it makes sense to ask yourself - what to believe and what to adhere to?

Here is the full post the Rome-based Ana published on Facebook, in Serbian:

"Hello, Rome! Day 43. Although I am a painter, not a doctor, I realized that this disease has no cure and that it attacks the elderly, while the young die from it. But this is not a serious illness, except when it becomes serious, and that is something we cannot predict.

Most people have no symptoms and do not know that they are ill, unless they die. The virus has already weakened by now, and it may not have weakened. We cannot say that today, but we will know this summer. It is necessary to repeat test twice, but once is enough as well.

Each country has its own mutated form, or it may be that the same one in on the entire planet. It is transmitted solely through droplets, through close human contact. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the pavements well. No, the streets need to be washed for psychological reasons, so that we are not afraid to go out. But it's safer not to go out unless it's absolutely necessary. We should go out for the sake of our immunity - but it is better to stay home at the same time.

Photo: Tanjug/AP

Next week is the key one, it all depends on it. The next three weeks are crucial, it all depends on us. Children do not transmit the virus, but they actually do. It would be best if children are infected as soon as possible. Children should be well guarded so that they do not become infected. They should by no means go to the parks, they should be locked up. Parks, that is, not children. Schools should be opened as soon as possible, but not before July. Masks are unnecessary, they can even be harmful if used incorrectly, it's enough to keep a distance of a meter and a half from others. Masks are necessary, they protect us, but not those that are bought at the pharmacy, but some special ones with a code that no one has.

The virus lingers on surfaces and everything needs to be disinfected. It is not necessary to disinfect food from the store because that's not how infection is transmitted. The virus is natural, it all started from a bat sold in a market and there is no dilemma about it. The virus is artificial, it was created in a lab and that's clear. The Chinese immediately made it known when the epidemic began. The Chinese are guilty of everything because they did not admit in time what was happening.

Photo: Tanjug/AP

In the summer we will go to seasides, as high temperatures will destroy the virus. There is no need to go anywhere this summer as it is safest to be treated in your own city. The Russians are on the verge of making a vaccine, it will be done by the fall and that will save us. The vaccine will certainly not be ready for at least another year. Once available, you should not be vaccinated unless you are at risk. The most important thing is that everyone gets vaccinated.

The virus will soon disappear naturally. We expect a new virus outbreak in September.

The worst is over. The worst is yet to come.

Are are you unclear on something?," Ana Kapor concludes her post.
