Dr. Kon: You must meet these 3 criteria to be tested in a Covid-19 infirmary

The epidemiologist noted that going forward, we will have an increased number of detected patients with mild symptoms

During Friday's press conference that began around 3 pm, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon reiterated once again what the criteria is for people to be tested for coronavirus.

"Critieria has been made, the person being tested must run a fever over 38 degrees (centigrade, Celsius), have difficulty breathing, or have a picture of bilateral pneumonia. Then, they will be tested," he explained.

He added that the testing is now being done by Covid-19 ambulances.

"Ever since they started working, these swabs have been coming in, which means that there may have been those who needed to be tested but did not report to the health system," Dr. Kon said.

He noted that in the future, we will have an increased number of detected patients with mild symptoms.

You can track information about coronavirus from all over the world on this page: https://www.telegraf.rs/covid-19.

Video: Dr. Kon explains how patients are placed in hospitals: Most severe cases go to the Clinic for Infectious Diseases
Video: Five people have died from coronavirus in Serbia in the last 24 hours
