Army setting ups beds in sports venue: "Situation's dramatic, we're building more field hospitals"

Next up is Pionir, followed by Arena sports venues


The Serbian Army is starting to set up beds today in Hala Sportova (Sports Hall) in New Belgrade, tomorrow they will do the same in Pionir, and on Saturday in Arena, says Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic, adding that Belgrade will thus receive three more field hospitals to accommodate coronavirus patients.

"We are building three improvised hospitals in Belgrade, because the situation is dramatic. Yesterday, all citizens of Serbia received messages from the HQ, from epidemiologists about how dramatic the situation is," Vesic told TV Pink.

He stressed that the capacity of the three field hospitals will be about 2,500 beds - 1,500 in Arena and another 1,000 in the other two sports centers.

Whether a 24-hour curfew will be introduced, he says, depends on the citizens - if the existing measures of the Serbian government are followed, such a decision will not be made.

"If a portion of the citizens behaves as it has before, that will have to be introduced. I ask the citizens to understand that people are dying, in New York they are carrying corpses, Spain has introduced a 24-hour ban on movement, Greece has introduced it," said Vesic.

He added that the city asked that public picnic sites be closed, and whether the government of Serbia, that is, the Republic HQ will make this decision depends on the behavior of citizens.

"I do not see the point of having picnics spots open, people hanging out, having full parks like on Saturday. A measure to ban gatherings in parks would not be made if we didn't have those walking there on Saturday," he said.

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( Tanjug)