Migrants sewing protective masks in Bujanovac: We are people above all, and offer every kind of help

About 250 migrants are staying at the Reception Center in Bujanovac

Photo: Bujanovacke

Migrants from Syria and other Arab countries accommodated at the Bujanovac Reception Center sent a letter a few days ago to state authorities saying that they are making themselves available to provide assistance during the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia.

"There are paramedics, workers, farmers among us, but we are above all and foremost people who offer every kind of assistance that the government thinks is needed - from medical, through taking supplies to people under quarantine, to cleaning the streets," the migrants said, the Bujanovacke website confirmed at the Reception Center, located at the Svetlost factory.

"The virus does not differentiate between native citizens and refugees, and that is why we stand side by side in a joint fight," the migrants' letter states.

Due to the situation with coronavirus in Serbia, the sewing of protective masks has been organized in the Bujanovac Reception Center.

Habib Soheli from Iran, who sews up to 40 masks a day, is responsible for this, according to the Refugee Commissariat.

About 250 migrants are staying at the Reception Center in Bujanovac.

Asylum seekers and regular migrants who are accommodated in reception and asylum centers are temporarily restricted from moving by a decision the Serbian government isued on March 17.

Leaving reception centers is only possible in justified cases, such as going to the doctor, with the special permission of the Commissariat.

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