Albanian foreign minister: "We are ready to remove border with Kosovo"

Cakaj overlooked the fact that this is the state border between Serbia and Albania

Albania's acting Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gent Cakaj said today in conversation with the president of the provisional Pristina institutions, Hashim Thaci, that Tirana is ready to "remove the border with Kosovo" - which he said is symbolic anyway.

Ignoring the fact that it is the state border between Serbia and Albania, Cakaj said they were "ready to begin work on the removal of the border."

"It should be more of a technical than a political issue," KTV reported Cakaj as saying.

According to Pristina media, Cakaj said he made this suggestion to the head of diplomacy of so-called Kosovo, Glauk Konjufca, proposed to sign an agreement and undertake joint lobbying for recognitions of the so-called Kosovo state.

He suggested that two agreements be signed at the forthcoming session of the Pristina and Albanian governments in Shkoder: to share the costs in the lobbying campaign and another concerning the transfer of experiences in the European integration process.

Cakaj, an Albanian from Kosovo, serves in the government of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama as acting minister of foreign and European affairs.

The president of provisional Pristina institutions, Hashim Thaci, said today that Cakaj introduced a hope and dynamics with this proposal, at a time of what he referred to as "the consolidation of the country."
