Shoigu arrives in Belgrade: First official visit since reappointment as Russia's defense minister

The Russian army general is here at the invitation of Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin

The defense minister of the Russian Federation, Army General Sergei Shoigu, has landed at the Nikola Tesla Airport in Belgrade.

Thus began the official visit of Minister Shoigu to Serbia, the first country he is visiting after being reappointed as minister of defense of the Russian Federation.

During his visit Shoigu he will lay a capsule at the Eternal Flame memorial plaque.

Serbia is the first country he is visiting after being reappointed as minister of defense of the Russian Federation.

The ceremony to welcome him will be organized in front of the Palace of Serbia, while an honorary doctorate from the University of Defense will be presented to Minister Shoigu at the Topcider Barracks in the House of the Guard, the Serbian Ministry of Defense said.

Ministers Wulin and Shoigu will lay wreaths at the Monument to the Liberators of Belgrade and at the Red Army Monument, and then lay the capsule together at the Eternal Flame memorial plaque.

During the visit, the defense ministers of Serbia and Russia will hold a meeting after which they will visit the exhibition "Defense 78" at the Belgrade City Museum.

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( Tanjug)