Serbs and Abanians clash in Kosovo Polje over parking: Police intervene, injuries reported
The incident has been confirmed by the Kosovo police
Foto: Marko Jovanović
A clash between Albanians and Serbs in the Kosovo Polje municipality took place this afternoon resulting in three people requesting hospital treatment at the Clinical-Hospital Center in Pristina, Gazeta Express reports.
The incident has been confirmed by the Kosovo police.
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"There was a dispute over parking. The two sides in question are neighbors. Police units arrived at the scene shortly after receiving a report and are handling the case. We'll informed you in time. But initial data shows that there this was a dispute over parking," said Kosovo police spokesman Daut Hoxha.
Gazeta Express reports that the clash left three people injured and that they sought help at the clinic in Pristina.
( Kosovo Online, Gazeta Express)