Minister Loncar says he tries not to have any Montenegrins as directors in healthcare

Minister Loncar stated this when asked to comment on the developments in Montenegro

Foto: Tanjug/Zoran Zestic

The Minister of Health of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Zlatibor Loncar spoke for O2 television, where the topics were mostly health-related. At the end of the conversation he was asked to comment on the developments in Montenegro after the adoption of the controversial law on religion there.

Loncar, among other things, said that Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic had underestimated the people, and overestimated some who worked around him who promised to keep the matter under control.

"The state of Serbia is an open state, in Montenegro there is no director or anything of the kind who declares themselves as a Serb, while here in many leading places we have those Montenegrins who have not yet learned Serbian, who can't speak Serbian," said Loncar.

Asked if there were any in the healthcare system, he replied: "I try to ensure there aren't."

"I think Serbia has enough of those who can speak Serbian and who deserve to be there. I am not belittling anyone. It's simply basic manners, if you want to be in Belgrade, if you want to be a director or hold an office, at least learn Serbian," said the Minister of Health.
