Guard your children, convicted rapist is free: Juric warns parents in Pozega and Uzice

The rapist Juric is talking about was released from prison yesterday after 14 years

Foto: Printskrin RTS

Igor Juric warned on Facebook that parents in Pozega and Uzice should guard their children, because a man convicted of raping a minor was released from prison yesterday.

According to him, he has been released after 14 years, and Juric expressed fears that he will do the same as the Barber of Malca did with 12-year-old M.K. from Suvi Dol.

"M.C. was convicted in 2006 for raping a minor. Today, after serving 14 years, he is free. Will the Barber of Malca repeat? Or Murgaski from NS? Will we have another victim? I'm sure and I know this man will do the same. Take care of your children in Uzice and Pozega," Juric warned.

When M.K. from Suvi Dol disappeared, Juric expressed concern that she had been abducted by a rapist who had been released, that is, by a person known as the Barber of Malca. Very quickly, his suspicions turned out to be correct.

VIDEO: Who is the "Barber of Malca" whose evil deeds drive fear into the Timok Krajina?
