Chinese tourists from Wuhan to arrive in Belgrade: They are monitored around the clock

They will be practically monitored around the clock

Foto: Tanjug/AP

Chinese tourists from Wuhan, who have been in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) for the past two days, should enter the territory of Serbia today.

Epidemiologist of the Federal Institute for Public Health of Bosnia and Herzegovina Andrea Juric said there was no cause for alarm and that their health condition was in order, reports Sarajevo's Dnevni Avaz.

"They will be monitored and observed all the way in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization and in accordance with our legal regulations," said Juric.

This means that they will be practically monitored around the clock, with the next inspection expected on Monday morning at the Doljani border crossing as they head to Belgrade after spending time in Sarajevo.

Video: Checks at Nikola Tesla Airport for coronavirus

( Avaz)