A business from which people in Sumadija earn 815,000 euros

Serbia, especially Sumadija and Pomoravlje, have a great potential for producing brandy (rakija), the traditional Serbian drink

Foto: Telegraf

The producers of alcoholic beverages in the Sumadija and Pomoravlje districts have exported 75 percent more of their produce this year compared to the same period in 2018, while the value of exports has reached 814,000 euros, says Sumadija and Pomoravlje Regional Chamber of Commerce (RPK) President Predrag Lucic.

About two-thirds of this amount have been exported to US and Australian markets, Lucic told Tanjug.

Serbia, especially Sumadija and Pomoravlje, have a great potential for producing brandy (rakija), the traditional Serbian drink and RPK will support distilleries in this business in order to increase competitiveness and product recognition, brand the territory and expand the tourist economy of Sumadija and Pomoravlje, said Lucic.

He recalled the "Evening of Wondrous Tastes" held in March, which featured seven types of brandy in the organization of the RPK and the Zavet Distillery, and the "Sumadija Brandy Festival" that finished two days ago, whicih featured 35 Serbian brandy producers. These events held in Kragujevac are aimed at affirming the status of this spirit.

Lucic pointed out that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management has approved the "Sumadijska Plum Brandy" ("Sumadijska Sljivovica") as the first to brandy have the stamp of geographic origin, set to appear in the market in 2021.

Video: Telegraf visited at Nenad Krstic's distillery, we tasted his premium brandy

(Telegraf Biznis/Tanjug)