Punishment increased for little Slobodan Stojanovic's murderer: Cruel woman gets 13 years in prison!
The accused, Veseli, will have the time spent in custody since March 24, 2017, as well as the time she spent in extradition custody included in her sentence
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Court of Appeal's second-instance verdict has increased Elfeta Veseli's prison sentence from 10 to 13 years for the murder of a 12-year-old boy, Slobodan Stojanovic, in the Zvornik area in 1992, lawyer Lejla Covic has confirmed for the Srna agency.
The accused, Veseli, will have the time spent in custody since March 24, 2017, as well as the time she spent in extradition custody included in her sentence.
Covic said that her client Sakib Halilovic has been acquitted of the charge that he, in his capacity as commander of a squad of the Liplje-Kamenica Joint Units, watched Veseli commit the murder without taking any measures to punish the perpetrator.
The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina charged the second accused Elfeta Veseli with killing 12-year-old Slobodan Stojanovic in the settlement of Bajrici-Novo Selo in Kamenica, in the second half of July or the first half of August 1992 as a member of the same unit.
According to the indictment, Veselija killed Stojanovic in the most cruel way by approaching the boy, who was on a bicycle, from behind and cutting his throat with a knife.
The indictment alleges that Halilovic, who was the commander of the squad, knew that his subordinate had committed this crime, but did not take the necessary measures to punish her.
12-year-old Slobodan Stojanovic was savagely murdered in July 1992 in the village of Kamenica near Zvornik. His body was found in a pit in the hamlet of Bajrici in Novo Selo near Zvornik, in eastern Bosnia, and was identified through DNA tests after which he was laid to rest in the Drinjaca cemetery.
The boy was found by a pathologist in a pit near the village of Donja Kamenica in an old blue worker's coat, along with several other murdered Serbs. He was missing six of his front teeth that were broken by his assailants.
His stomach was cut up in the shape of a cross, while Elfeta Veseli also cut off his ears, in the end shooting him point blank in the head.
The child was captured and then murdered after his family fled from their village to their close friends in the hamlet of Dzenarika. But Slobodan remembered that they left behind the family dog. While everyone was asleep, he sneaked out of the house and returned home to fetch his Lesi.
On his way back, the terrified boy was captured by Vesela, an Albanian woman fighting in Bosnian Muslim units. She stripped him and murdered him savagely. The boy's body ended up in a pit with those of five other Serbs.
During the trial, witnesses revealed distressing details about how Veseli bragged about murdering the boy. Veseli moved to Switzerland after the war, where she was arrested and extradited in 2017.
(Telegraf.rs/Srpska Info)