Serbian, Montenegrin and Albanian teams search hotel in Durres: Search dogs point to two places
The search is this location has continued, as the search and rescue dogs are indicating that there is the possibility of finding survivors under the rubble
The search for survivors under the rubble after the devastating earthquake has been discontinued in parts of Albania, with only Serbian and Montenegrin teams, along with their Albanian colleagues, searching under the ruins of the Miramar Hotel in Durres.
The search is this location has continued, as the search and rescue dogs are indicating that there is the possibility of finding survivors under the rubble, ABCNews reported.
"Only Serbian and Montenegrin teams are working together with the Albanian forces, and based on the signals given by search dogs, it is assumed that there are survivors under the ruins of the Durres hotel (Miramar)," writes the portal.
No one can confirm at this point whether there really are any survivors underneath those ruins, with the dogs pointing to two places, indicating the possibility that there might be two people there.
Special teams from Serbia, Montenegro and Albania are digging up debris and monitoring the behavior of the dogs.