Is Belgrade really the most polluted city in the world? Data is alarming, health warning issued

Foreign and domestic sources agree on the assessment about the degree of air pollution

Photo: Shutterstock

According to air pollution data measured just before 10 am on Monday, Belgrade ranks 10th among the world's most polluted cities. The infamous list is topped by two Indian cities - Delhi and Kolkata, followed by Dhaka (Bangladesh), Kathmandu (Nepal), two cities in Pakistan, Dubai (UAE), Santiago (Chile) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), as the second resounding name.

Next to the name of the capital of Serbia, air pollution was marked with a value of 133 units, while Dhaka is in the purple zone, i.e. with the highest degree of pollution and a value of 211.

Although Belgrade is small in the global context it has taken a high place by entering the top ten on a list describing health threats and possible health complications. The situation was even more alarming yesterday. According to available data, on October 20, Belgrade was at the top of the list of cities with air pollution - in the red zone with 169 units of pollution.

Air pollution in Belgrade on October 20; Printscreen:

Today's data was confirmed by Beoeko of the City Institute of Public Health, also placing Belgrade in the orange zone, but without precise data on the extent of pollution.

According to the site, the quality is rated as excellent - green zone, good - yellow, acceptable - orange, polluted - red, and heavily polluted - purple.

With the unhappy face of an "orange" boy suggesting to users that air quality in Belgrade is acceptable, there is a precautionary note. Sensitive groups are warned that they may experience problems, while the elderly, children and people with heart and lung diseases should be cautious when spending time outdoors, paying attention to whether they experience difficulty breathing and whether their coughing is worsening; they are advised to possibly contact their doctor.

Air pollution in Belgrade on October 21; Printscreen:

Pollution by location

The most dramatic situation is in Belgrade's central Stari Grad municipality, where pollution is marked by the number 155. New Belgrade follows with 133 units. In third place is the Mostar Loop with 107.

We reached out for comment to those in charge at the City Institute for Public Health, but are yet to hear back.

Air pollution in Belgrade on October 21; Printscreen:
Air quality assessment according to the website Beoeko; Printscreen:
