Cedomir Jovanovic: Kurti is not a threat, he's an opportunity

He expressed his hope that a new government with a stable majority in parliament will soon be formed in Pristina, which will have the strength to reach an agreement with Belgrade, which will be "understood and accepted" by society in Kosovo

President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Cedomir Jovanovic said today that he sees the results of the Kosovo elections as an expression of the need for a refresh of the internal political scene in Kosovo, but also in relations with Serbia.

Jovanovic said in a statement that Kosovo has shown a high degree of democratic culture in the electoral process and that now is the time to bring that energy into regional cooperation.

He expressed his hope that a new government with a stable majority in parliament will soon be formed in Pristina, which will have the strength to reach an agreement with Belgrade, which will be "understood and accepted" by society in Kosovo.

Jovanovic pointed out that today President of Self-Determination Albin Kurti is being attacked from Belgrade with the sort of language spoken before every catastrophe in these regions, and that such statements should not have a place in Serbia's politics - and that Kurti is not a threat to Serbia, but an opportunity "because of the hope that Kosovo society recognizes in him and the support he enjoys."
