Amidzic was sitting in a cafe with friends, the killer waited for him to leave to shoot him dead

Authorities say it's a classic ambush murder

Novi Sad businessman Dragan "Amidza" Amidzic, 55, was murdered last night around 8:45 pm in front of a restaurant in Sremska Kamenica.

Amidzic was shot and killed in what the authorities say is a classic ambush murder, in a parking lot in front of a restaurant. According to still unconfirmed information, he was with friends in the local restaurant and as he was leaving, a so far unknown man waited and shot him using a pistol.

The Novi Sad ambulance service said that their team of doctors responded to the police call, arriving in Vojvode Putnika Street in front of the restaurant where they found a man who did not show any signs of life.

"Unfortunately, our medical team could only pronounce him dead, and our doctors ascertained that he had been shot dead," the ambulance service said in a brief statement.


According to eyewitnesses, the shooting was preceded by a terrible noise.

The police were conducting an investigation into the crime scene late into the night and kept all access to Sremska Kamenica under blockade.

Amidzic owned gas stations, restaurants, expensive cars.

Video: Tavern owner cleans up murder site in Krusevac
