Musk: Tesla electric cars to be sold in Serbia starting next year
"We will do Nikola Tesla proud"
Globally known entrepreneur Elon Musk has announced that next year his Tesla cars will arrive in Nikola Tesla's countries of origin - Serbia, Croatia and Slovakia.
"Hoping to open in Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia & most of Eastern Europe early next year. Finally, we will do Nikola Tesla proud by having his cars in his countries of origin," Musk wrote on Twitter.
According to the International Business Times, Musk is in this new way paying tribute to Nikola Tesla, the scientific genius after whom the electric car maker was named.
The report points out that Serbia is at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, bordering with Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that the Serbian capital, Belgrade, is the largest and longst inhabited city in Southeast Europe.
Musk claims the Tesla store will be the best homage to the Serbian-American inventor, engineer and futurist who made a major contribution to the creation of the modern alternate current electrical system, IBT concludes.
(Telegraf Biznis)