Two catastrophes in a Belgrade street in just a couple of hours: An explosion first, then a geyser

Citizens in this part of town had an eventful night, but also morning

Two catastrophes took place in Belgrade overnight, in the same street, only a few hours apart. First, there was an explosion at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Karnegijeva Street, and just four hours later a large trunk water pipe burst literally in front of the faculty.

Citizens in this part of the city had an eventful night, but also morning. After the explosion, they were greeted by a flood this morning.

Photo: Google Street View, Marko Jovanovic, a Telegraf reader

As we reported, at 1.15 am, there was an explosion and fire in the organic chemistry department at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy.

The incident occurred when the engine in a refrigerator where chemicals were stored exploded.

Photo: Google Street View

"The engine of the refrigerator with chemicals overheated. An explosion was heard as a result. The scene was investigated and there is no danger. The Faculty works as usual," it was said at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy.

Fortunately, nobody was injured, while media reported that considerable material damage had been done.

Firefighters were able to quickly localize the fire in a rapid intervention, while the police from Palilula blocked the surrounding streets. Immediately afterwards, the faculty's leaders came to the scene.

Photo: A Telegraf reader


Just four hours later, a new accident occurred when a large trunk pipe burst on the corner of Karnegijeva and Kraljice Marije streets, and a deluge greeted citizens this morning in the streets in this part of town.

A large amount of water is flowing down Cvijiceva, Starine Novaka, Dalmatinska, and Stanoja Glavasa streets, as well as down  the Despota Stefana Boulevard.

All crews from the Belgrade Water and Sewers utility company are on the ground to fix the broken main pipeline at the corner of Karnegijeva and Kraljice Marije streets, which has also led to disruptions in the water supply.

The utility company said that a large amount of water flowed from the Belgrade water supply system this morning around 5 am, due to a burst pipe of the main pipeline at the corner of the two streets, that happened during reconstruction works in the area.

"All teams are on the ground, and during the repair of the malfunction, customers in the central urban areas will experience disruption in the water supply," they said in a statement.
