Scandal in peaceful Slovenia: Journalist sacked by popular TV station for smuggling migrants

The newspaper Slovenske Novice writes that this is about 29-year-old journalist Z.L. from Velenje who was covering motorcycle sports

A Slovenian TV station has fired a sports journalist who was involved in smuggling migrants from Pakistan.

A reporter with leading commercial television station POP-TV has also been detained after the police discovered four migrants from Pakistan in his vehicle last week, near Catez.

"We regret this event. We were not informed about the behavior of the journalists of our sports newsroom outside the workplace, and we are not aware of any personal circumstances in which he might have found himself," POP-TV announced, reports Hina.

The journalist, whose identity has not been revealed by the outlet, has been fired and faces up to five years in prison.

The newspaper Slovenske Novice writes that this is about 29-year-old journalist Z.L. from Velenje who was covering motorcycle sports.

The media said that he started illegally smuggling migrants due to financial problems.

These reports also recall that in late July, Lidija Mavretic, who unsuccessfully ran in the European Parliament elections in 2004, got arrested for the same reason.

Her party distanced itself from the case, claiming that she was no longer a member or activist.
