Labor shortage hits Serbia in almost every sector: This is the list of most in-demand jobs

There is no sector of Serbia's economy that is not facing a labor shortage

Serbia is facing a labor shortage in all sectors, meaning that domestic employers lack anything from drivers, personal sports trainers, to engineers, says Serbian Association of Employers spokeswoman Ljiljana Pavlovic

Speaking for FoNet news agency, she warned that surveys and conversations with employers over the past three years show there is no economic sector in Serbia that didn't report a labor shortage.

According to Pavlovic, this is not merely about a shortage in the labor market, but also a lack of professionals.

"We have incoming generations that have not, during their formal education, acquired all the necessary knowledge to perform some jobs in the economy," Pavlovic said, adding that it was no longer just about crafts which young people are not interested in learning, but also about engineering positions.

She further mentioned an entire list of occupations and jobs that are difficult for employers to fill.

"In transportation, there is a shortage of drivers, they've gone abroad where they are offered much higher wages than our employers can offer them in Serbia. In the construction industry we lack engineers, in information technology we lack developers and designers," says Pavlovic.

The deficit has not bypassed the sports and recreation sector.

"We're talking with employers who are looking for personal trainers. All our personal trainers are in Dubai, where they earn a lot more money than they can earn here," explains Pavlovic.

However, she points out that this kind of labor migration cannot be prevented or banned, so young people, eager for experience and knowledge, should be allowed to gain it - but after that they should be given conditions to return, find adequate jobs and build Serbia's, rather than another country's economy.

"It is not a question for one institution or ministry, but of all institutions and all policies that we are creating in Serbia, " Pavlovic said.