Croatian president in Knin: "I wanted to grab a rifle and go to battlefield"

As she said, while working as assistant NATO secretary general, she made an effort to explain Operation Storm as a legitimate military action

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic said last night in Knin that her conscience was bothering her during the 1990s war, and that she wanted to grab a rifle and go to the battlefield.

"I would have most gladly grabbed a rifle and went to the battlefield, but I realized that it was not only about bullets and facing those who were in front of you," said Grabar Kitarovic, stressing that she was aware that she had a duty in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zagreb-based N1 TV has reported.

As she said, while working as assistant NATO secretary general, she tried to have Operation Storm explained as a legitimate military action.

After a reception for wartime commanders held at the Knin Fortress, Grabar-Kitarovic started singing "To Battle, to Battle" - a song from Nikola Subic Zrinski's opera.

VIDEO: This is what was left of Knin after Operation Storm
