New York Times on the summit on the Western Balkans: First, to mediate between Thaci and Haradinaj, and then everything else

Haradinaj told the paper that "experimentation with the borders is unconstitutional" and that "whoever is representing him on behalf of Kosovo is not right"

The New York Times, in an article dedicated to the Western Balkans summit, states that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron should first "mediate between two Kosovo leaders". 

"The Greats" are taking over the Western Balkans: Merkel and Macron

In an article entitled "The Impulse for Finding an Agreement Between Serbia and Kosovo Puts National Divisions to the spotlight", the New York Times writes that Macron and Merkel, if they want "to have any hope of easing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and stop the stalemate in talks on normalization of relations" then "first, they must meditate for another peace - between two Kosovo leaders".

Thaci denied for the New York Times the allegations of fighting for power with Haradinaj, pointing out that the two of them were "comrades" in the struggle for independence and that they are "now friends", who, as he said, have differences.

- I'm an optimist. I believe that we can reach an agreement that will bring Kosovo the recognition of Serbia, while the Prime Minister is more skeptical about this issue - Thaci told the New York Times.

Haradinaj told the paper that "experimentation with the borders is unconstitutional" and that "whoever is representing him on behalf of Kosovo is not right".

Such proposals, he considers, are not in the "name of Kosovo", but, he says, "in the name of only one man - the president."

- If it is stated by any piece of paper that he accepted on changing the borders, he will leave his job - Haradinaj concluded for the New York Times.

VIDEO: Delegation of "Greater Albania in Berlin, not a delegation of Pristina and Tirana 
