Serbia has been talking for days about a hero who works for a wage and lives in a ramshackle house: His friends are building a new home and they bought a tractor
His comrades from Karaula understand the weight of his destiny, so it is no surprise that they were the first one to help him
Zoran Perovic (40) returned from the border between Albania and Serbia in 1999 with 17 stitches on his head. Two decades later, this hero from Kosare works for a wage in Sumadija village Ostra.
Zoran lives in an old log cabin, built 160 years ago. The house deteriorated a long time ago, but Zoran is not giving up yet, although each day is a fight for survival. He is sure in one thing:
- I would go to war to defend Serbia again - he is determined.
Gvozden Nikolic, the author of the show "You won't believe it", introduced the public with Zoran's fate and he started an avalanche, but a positive avalanche of people who want to help him. Zoran lives with older parents and a sick brother, and he and the other brother support the family with their part-time jobs. In order to save money, Zoran walks 22 km to Cacak. He keeps 5 cows and 3 heifers and that is how he feeds his family. He often helps people for free.
Zoran remembers that he went to Prokletije, on Kosare, in 1999, as a soldier in the barracks in Prizren.
- The terrorists are shooting, they are hitting us with some "black arrow" which hits at 2 kilometers, and when the shooting was done we called for friends to start going. One of them is not answering, he was hit in the spine and he died right away, he already began to cool down. Another one was alive, he was hit in his collar bone. The four of us placed him in a tent wing and we carried him for three kilometers back to our position - he remembers.
The other day, he was in a house in bed, and they let us know that the bombs are falling. Cluster bombs. The first one exploded, and then 5 more. While he turned to reach for the weapon a pillar fell on his head. He was in a coma for 2 days in a Polish hospital. When they woke him up, he returned to his position. He returned home after 12 months of participating in the war, without pension, without anything...
Zoran never cried, but his story touched many. His comrades from Karaula understand the weight of his destiny, so it is no surprise that they were the first one to help him.
Vlade Dragic came to him right after the show and he used his vacation days to help his friend.
- People are calling, they want to help. Zoran writes down on the paper who gave him what. There is no stopping until we fix everything - he said.
Dejan Petkovic, the comrade from Kosar, also decided to do all that he can. He would help even before, but he didn't know that Zoran lived in such bad conditions.
- Cacak businessmen and city government promised to help him. They said they will build him a house of around 50 square meters, and we will get him a tractor. We will find a permanent job - said Petkovic and adds that they must stick with each other, if everybody else forgot about them.
Dragic said that only one thing remains after that which they must "finish".
- We got dressed, we will go to the dentist to fix him up to be a real lad, and the next wish is to get him married. To make this house a home for children - said Dragic for Telegraf.
Watch the video:
VIDEO: Serbian war hero reveals the details of NATO bombing
( / G. Avalic)