A teacher wrote a scandalous message "You can drop dead, you mama's babies", the principal of the school spoke about sanctions
I am ready for consequences - Vesna said for "Telegraf"
After public condemn and a lot of dust that has risen over the post of the teacher Vesna Stevanovic from the elementary school "Karadjordje" from Topola, who wrote to the students that are not at the recreational education: "You can drop dead, you mama's babies, who are not here for no reason", and Telegraf talked with her, but also with the principal of the facility, Ivica Milivojevic.
- I had a bad and distasteful joke, and when I realized what I have done, I immediately deleted it, but that doesn't make me good. Someone who has a personal conflict with me created this scandal in the media. In 32 years of working here, I have done something nice for all of the generations who I educated - Vesna Stevanovic said for "Telegraf".
As he said, she expressed her thoughts with this sentence because "many will drop dead from jealousy, or from fatigue".
- I had no malicious intentions, I wouldn't be what I am today if I was malicious. I love my students and they return the love back. I wrote that sentence for the children that we miss on this travel, even the children who were with us called others on phone and they told them we miss them. I admit I had a reckless joke, but I am ready for consequences - said Vesna for "Telegraf".
She added that her post wasn't malicious, and the parents who went to the principal of the school, Ivica Milivojevic, supported the teacher. According to her words, even the older students, who already graduated, are calling her and they offer support.
The principal of the elementary school "Karadjordje, where this scandal occurred, said that he talked with the teacher over the phone, that he will talk about everything next week when she returns with the students.
- I spoke with the attorney today, to consider the possible measures and sanctions. There are options like a financial penalty, suspension, or letting her go. Nothing justifies her move and she has to answer for what she has done. She has told me that she is aware of the fact that she made a mistake, she didn't think about that. When we talked, she told me that she wanted to joke around, to show the children that they should socialize, and that "mama's children" shouldn't be afraid of going somewhere without parents - the principal of the school Ivica Milivojevic said for Telegraf.
He revealed that 16 parents came to his office to express support for the teacher, but no matter the feelings of mothers and father, this still doesn't justify her move.
- Vesna is a good pedagogue, extraordinary teacher, but she just had a bad reaction. Of course, there will be a disciplinary procedure, and she will have to answer for her moves. We will come to a decision what will be the sanction, we will investigate it, Vesna as well and the mother who was bothered by this post, and the parents who think that this is not a big deal - said Milivojevic for the end.
They told us in the Ministry of Education that they won't react, because starting of the disciplinary procedure is in the principal's authority, because this is a violation of a work obligation.
They added that Article 110 of the Law on the Basis of the Education System (Discrimination) was violated.
Vesna Stevanovic took the children of the Second grate to the recreational education and she left the message on Facebook to other children who didn't come with her, and the social networks started condemning these words in a matter of minutes.
VIDEO: Scandalous video from school. A teacher was dragging autistic child across the floor
(Telegraf.co.uk / S.Cenad - s.cenad@telegraf.rs)