Milos (24) was bleeding and he encouraged himself to make it to the hospital: The young man was making plans for the future, and then Djurovic appeared with a knife

Flowers, candles, and a goodbye letter are now in the place where the young man from Cacak spent the last moments of his life, from people who came to honor their "brother"

While the monster stabbed him with the knife, Milos begged him to stop, and when the murderer ran away, he encouraged himself to make it until the ambulance arrives. He loved this life so much, and some sick person killed him, just like that. 

A scandal in Zagreb hospital: A young man (24) went wild during the examination, he threatened the doctors and he broke everything around him

Acquaintances and friends of Milos Mileusnic (24) from Cacak, who lived and studied in Belgrade, told the story about the tragedy which happened on Sunday around 6 AM in front of the building in the street of Dimitrije Tucakovic 20A. The silence of the quiet morning was interrupted by the cries of the injured Mileusnic.

- We went out of the car, he met the killer with a knife on the street. He started running back, probably wanting to hide in the entrance since the door wasn't working until recently. Unfortunately, it was replaced ten days ago and the madman with the knife caught up to him where you see the blood - said one of the neighbors that we found out in front of the entrance.

Flowers, candles, and a goodbye letter are now in the place where the young man from Cacak spent the last moments of his life, from people who came to honor their "brother". Even the neighbors approached to say their condolences, saying to themselves, no one is safe anymore, and, the city is full of madmen.


- When he started stabbing him, the unfortunate Milos begged him to stop, saying: "Don't, brother, don't", but he didn't pay attention. He ran away when he decided it was enough, and the neighbor from the next door invited the ambulance. He called the police as soon as he heard the fighting - said the neighbors.

- While he was bleeding and waiting for the doctors to arrive, he encouraged himself to hold on, to reach the hospital - said the neighbors.


- I've heard police officers talking that there is a video from the tram which stops here in front of our entrance. So they say that ravaging maniac with a giant knife in their hands, and they recognized him immediately because he is a problematic guy that they knew from before - they add and say that the murderer just walked on the other side of the road, he went in the tram and he went to the city.

Foto: Facebook


One of the friends said that he talked to his girlfriend that morning and he decided to go to her apartment around 5:35 which is nearby.

I can't describe how much he loved life. He was in a happy relationship, he was graduating from the Faculty of Law, and before that he graduated from the Medical school. He was supposed to become an intern soon, he had big plans for the future - his close friend said while he was lighting a candle at the place where he was murdered.

As he said, Milos comes from an honest family.

- His parents are respectable doctors in Cacak, his sister graduated from Faculty of Law in Belgrade. He is really not some problematic boy or some hooligan. He did love Partizan FC, but he never had any problems because of that or anything else. He lived a normal life, no one understands why this happened - said the shocked friend.

Foto: Nedjeljko Đurović/Facebook

The parents came to the rented apartment in Dimitrije Tucakovic street. Broken parents couldn't explain the tragedy to themselves.

They can't believe it, they can't get a hold of themselves. And how could they... His roommate was also very shaken, we are all in shock - he concludes through tears.


Less than 24 hours before that, the police arrested the 28-year-old Nedeljko Djurovic from Belgrade, As we found out, the ravaging butcher committed the murder because he was unhappy with his own life!

Foto: Facebook

He did that after a few hours spent on social networks when he was very mad and unhappy with his "miserable life" and he decided to go out on the street and to kill someone.

Unfortunately, the first person he has found was 24-year-old Milos, a young man who lived his life to the fullest and he had great plans for the future, which were shattered on the pavement of the Belgrade entrance, just because someone wanted to...

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